If you are deadly serious about your coffee drinking, the last thing you want to do is to purchase coffee at the grocery store. Virtually all of these coffees are blends of coffee beans of varying qualities from many parts of the world. What you get with these coffees is a cup of bland, mediocre coffee of poor quality.
The best way to enjoy the absolute best cup of coffee is to buy your coffee beans from a single estate. What you are buying is coffee beans that were hand grown on just one single estate or farm. This allows the expert coffee bean grower to create a specific, distinctive coffee flavor profile. The bottom line for the coffee lover is that the quality and consistency of single estate coffee cannot be matched in any other way.
There are other valid reasons to choose single estate coffee over blends, but the biggest reason is quality and flavor. Every bean in the batch of coffee beans you bought is of the exact same quality. Every bean is the same. If all beans are from the same place and grown in the exact same way, you are assured of having smooth and delicious coffee.
Also, because the beans are coming from one, definite source, the coffee grower is highly motivated to produce only the very best coffee beans. If you love that particular single estate coffee, you are highly likely to come back and buy more.
This is much much better than a typical coffee blend. Typically, only a fraction of those beans will have a high quality and distinct flavor profile. The rest of the beans will be of average or worse quality. The smooth and delicious flavor of the high quality beans will be largely ruined by the poor quality beans.